However, the absence of an official source from which one could download an older browser build and the inability to disable automatic updates directly via the browser might put a seed of doubt into users’ minds. Google Chrome is a cross-platform web browser developed by Google.It was first released in 2008 for Microsoft Windows, built with free software components from Apple WebKit and Mozilla Firefox. While downgrading might lead to a few security risks, in some instances, it becomes an absolute necessity. So this was all from this guide on downgrading and installing a previous version of Chrome. However, we can still manually visit About Chrome for updating. Now Google won’t be updated to the next or current live version. How to update Google Chrome How-To Guide 106K subscribers Subscribe 1. We have successfully disabled the Google Update Service that will essentially be used for auto-updates.

Type in msconfig command, and hit OK button. Google Chrome for Mac 1.103 Download The worlds number 1 browser 1/5 Google Chrome is the most widely used web browser in the world.Bring up the Run dialog box via Windows + R shortcut keys.